It’s only one day…

January One.
I’m going to be honest, I hate New Years Eve, and New Years day. In my 24 years, I cannot recall a single New Years celebration that has been exceptionally incredible. This New Years Eve was relatively fun though, because I spent it with friends.

Anyways, I’m not writing this post to describe my perfect New Years celebration, but to jot down how my Excellence “goal” is going.

It’s only day one and I’m overwhelmed. I can’t recall a single thing I did that was outstandingly excellent. I guess that’s why resolutions don’t start until January 2, Amen? 😉

I’m wondering, as of now, if my word shouldn’t have been, “resolve”. I’ve recently come to the glorious conclusion, that I can do ANYTHING! (With Christ who strengthens me)…
I have resolved to make decisions that are universally beneficial, to treat the world as my Oyster, to do as I say I will, to honor those around me, as well as myself, and to make tough decisions without regret.

So 2014, I resolve to make you the best year yet. I know there are incredible things in store for me. A year from today I plan to read this and laugh, knowing just how far the Lord has taken me, and how excellently I lived.

All my love


Proverbs 31:29 AMP

Many daughters have done virtuously, nobly, and well [with the strength of character that is steadfast in goodness], but you excel them all.

My word, resolution, this year for life, is to end up at those pearly gates hearing my dad tell me that I have lived excellently.
To hear Him say those words? That I have done so well to serve His name, and to advance His Kingdom? That is my one sole desire.

As a daughter of the one true King, it is an honor to be His.
My choice to live, love, and lead excellently is solely for the delight of Him.
Every day I will wake up and choose to be the Light of the World and the Salt of the earth by excellent character, integrity, self discipline and whole hearted faith.
I know that it will be hard, but what was easy that has been worth having?

With all my love♥