

Yes. That is the image I have chosen to represent my year thus far, and it’s only one week in. I am laying on my bedroom floor laughing right now.

I like to think that I’m not the only one with a ridiculous life. So, I’m still holding onto that.

James 1:2-6 is what I’m clinging to right now. When it feels like nothing is going right, I know that I still have the Savior of the World in my side.
I know that if I have patience through this scary, and insane season, I will be complete and lacking nothing.
I know that I will gain wisdom. Verse 6 tells me to ask in faith. It is not in the nature of the Lord to lack compassion on the broken Saints. His heart is that of a father’s and I intend to continue to trust Him with mine.
I feel like I’m insane and I know a couple other people already think I am. I am a Daddy’s girl, and I know He won’t stop being faithful now. I trust Him. 
I will continue in my attempt to be excellent even especially when life isn’t easy.

All my love.